IOSRDC aims to honor researchers with Gold Medals for overall excellence in a particular program and the Best Research Paper Award in each of the conferences that are conducted by IOSRDC. This Award Program aims to acknowledge, recognize, and promote the academic, research, and overall excellence of IOSRDC in a particular program, whose collective efforts and commitment contribute to the overall prestige of the Industry/University/College. IOSRDC brings laurels to Industry/University/College by exhibiting their knowledge, skills, and abilities in every sphere of Learning. The achievements of IOSRDC in various national and international competitions and their accomplishments in the field of research and publication can enormously contribute to the overall reputation of the Industry/University/College. The IOSRDC Gold Medal is the highest honor award in India. The Gold Medal is presented by the Secretary of IOSRDC for distinguished performance. The award may be given to an individual, group, or organization for extraordinary, noble, or prestigious contributions that impact the mission of the Conference.
To warrant a Gold Medal Award, a contribution must focus on qualitative and quantitative performance measures reflected in the IOSRDC strategic plan and be identified in one of the following areas:
Ø Achievement of critical program goals far exceeding expectations, marked by noteworthy creativity, energy, or persistence, contributing significantly to the welfare of any country.
Ø Exceedingly outstanding leadership or management that results in dramatic improvements to productivity, program effectiveness, or quality of the Department of Commerce's service.
Ø Scientific or technological breakthroughs resolving longstanding problems or radically advancing the state of art and engineering.
Ø Highly distinguished authorship or editorship affecting the primary principles of the discipline covered, opening up new fields of inquiry, or redefining major issues of investigation.
50% weightage for the Publications.
25% weightage for the Citations.
15% weightage for the current exploring domain.
10% weightage for ethics and value-based participation in all academic and non-academic activities.
IOSRDC Awards Committee (“the Committee”) shall be responsible for selecting the researchers for gold medals and research awards. The Committee shall consist of the President as the Chairperson, Director, and faculty members from the other colleges/industry, to be nominated by the president in consultation with the administrative staff.
The Committee shall obtain the record of the top five candidates from the Examination and Evaluation Branch, who have secured the maximum marks in the particular program along with their discipline. The records containing the publication, memberships, and exploring domain shall be obtained from researchers and shall be verified from the concerned committee.
A researcher obtaining a higher score in the discipline shall be given the gold medal in case if more than one researcher achieves equal scores in other factors.
The above criteria shall apply for the award of the Gold Medal to the Best Researcher for Overall Excellence in a particular program.
The gold medal shall be given to the graduating researcher while the research award shall be given to any researcher who has published an outstanding research paper in Indian or any foreign journals in the given subject in the given year.
IOSRDC shall inform the name of the researcher(s) selected for the award to the donor at least 15 days in advance of the conferment of the medal.
2024: Ms. Soumya Kumari
2023: Ms. Avanthi Nagelli
2022 : Dr. Ravi Seth
2021 : Mr. Rakesh Reddy
2020 : Dr. Someshwar